Freefly Systems CW Single Motor Propeller Set for Alta X
  • SKU: 910-00415
  • Verfügbarkeit: auf Lager Lieferfrist ca 3-4 Wochen Ausverkauft Lieferfrist ca 3-4 Wochen

Freefly Systems CW Single Motor Propeller Set for Alta X

CHF 100.00
Inkl. MwSt. ( ab CHF 50.- Gratis Lieferung )

This pair of replacement clockwise props for Alta X can be swapped out in the field if you have a damaged blade or blades on booms 2 or 4.

Props are supplied as a weight matched and balanced pair. Only fit props in the factory supplied pair.

oes not include ActiveBlade. If you need to replace the whole prop assembly including the ActiveBlade, click here. 

See Alta X Flight Manual for instructions on removing and installing replacement prop sets.

2x balanced CW blades (1 paid of blades)
4x Replacement 26x8 PTFE Washers

Kit does not include fasteners or loctite (type 243 or equivalent).

Use existing fasteners for installation.