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Nanlite Forza 2.5m Connector Cable
  • SKU: CB-FZ-2.5
  • Verfügbarkeit: auf Lager Lieferfrist ca 3-4 Wochen Ausverkauft Lieferfrist ca 3-4 Wochen

Nanlite Forza 2.5m Connector Cable

CHF 92.00
Inkl. MwSt. ( ab CHF 50.- Gratis Lieferung )

This Forza Head Extension Cable from Nanlite extends the distance between a Forza 300- or 500-series monolight and the satellite control power station unit. This 8.2'-long cable can be used in place of, or added to, the head cable power cord supplied with the Forza monolight set.

Designed For Use With:
* Nanlite Forza 300
* Nanlite Forza 500