Tilta Tilta Universal Battery Plate 15 mm Rod Adapter - for Replacement
Tilta Tilta Universal Battery Plate 15 mm Rod Adapter - for Replacement
  • SKU: UBP-15-RA
  • Verfügbarkeit: auf Lager Lieferfrist ca 3-4 Wochen Ausverkauft Lieferfrist ca 3-4 Wochen

Tilta Tilta Universal Battery Plate 15 mm Rod Adapter - for Replacement

CHF 55.00
Inkl. MwSt. ( ab CHF 50.- Gratis Lieferung )

his 15mm LWS rod adapter allows you to attach the Universal Battery Plate to 15mm LWS rods. The adapter can be attached to the top or bottom of the Universal Battery Plate for a variety of mounting configurations.

Technische Informationen

Weight: 0.212 lbs

Color: Black

Materials: Aluminum-alloy, stainless steel

* (1) 15mm LWS Rod Adapter for Universal Battery Plate
* (4) Hex mounting screws (for attaching the rod adapter onto the Universal Battery Plate)